Three Pieces of Information Needed on Compliance Conferences

When your per diem or appearance attorney covers a compliance attorney for you in Supreme Court, Queens County, the attorney will be required to fill out a one page cover sheet.  That cover sheet isn’t the subject of this article.  Rather, that cover sheet asks for three pieces of information, and I also find that judges or court attorneys in compliance conferences in other counties ask for the same information.  Because all supreme courts all counties seem to seek this information, I advise to you in preparing a per diem or appearance attorney for a compliance attorney, to give the attorney these three pieces of information.

The three pieces of information are: 1) a short description of the basis of the claim; 2) an equally short description of the nature and extent of damages; and 3) if there is an insurance carrier on the claim, the identity of the carrier.

The description of the basis of the claim can be, for example, a short description of the accident.  In some cases, the nature of the claim might be a sufficient, by itself, so that all you need say is “breach of contract” or “consumer debt claim.”  

Likewise, the description of damages might be nothing more that a short description of the one or two most serious injuries.

To inform the per diem or appearance attorney of the basis of the claim and damages, all that might be needed is a copy of a bill of particulars.  An accident report might also do.

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