When you need an experienced attorney to handle a per diem appearance in a court in the Greater New York area or Long Island
My name is David Lira, and I am available to handle appearances for you or your firm on a per diem basis. This is my website, and it is designed to tell you a little about myself, and how I might best benefit you. It also tells you how you can arrange for an appearance, and how you can best prepare me for an appearance for you.
Most of the appearances that you farm out to an outside appearance or per diem attorney are probably easy and quick enough. All you need is an adjournment or a preliminary conference order. With a little luck, the appearance attorney is in and out in a few minutes.
But some times, you know an appearance is going to be messy. You would prefer to do the appearance yourself, but you can’t for any number of reasons. At other times, you believe you have something simple, but it gets complicated, usually because of something odd coming from the judge or a court attorney.
I’m glad to handle the easy appearances for you, and I’ll handle those appearances in a cost effective way. However, where I can help you the most is with those appearances which are problematic. I have a lot of courthouse experience, and probably have encountered any type of problem that might come up with any one of your cases. Like your relationships with your clients, I can’t give guarantees, but I can say that I will apply all of my experience to handle the appearance so that it brings the best possible results for you.
When you arrange an appearance with me, you will know that I will be handling that appearance. You know who you will be getting, and what my experience is. You will also know that I am going to show-up, handle the appearance, and give you a helpful report.
Looking forward to hearing from you.